This is what Ralph waldo Emerson had to tell about Jane Austen,
“Miss Austen’s novels . . . seem to me vulgar in tone, sterile in
artistic invention, imprisoned in the wretched conventions of English
society, without genius, wit, or knowledge of the world. Never was life
so pinched and narrow. The one problem in the mind of the writer . . .
is marriageableness.”
Which I think to be true. Not only Jane Austen. Most other novels in the genre of romance and fiction. I think they give a very wrong picture to young girls.
I remember reading Northanger Abbey as a kid and wishing I was poor and beautiful and a super rich man would fall in love with me. Now the grown up me is out of all such dreams and illusions. I don't even want such a life where the girl's only quality is her beauty and the guy's only quality is his bank balance. Relationships are never compatible if both the spouses are depending on the such external qualities in each other which are subject to change any millisecond.
It just gets on my nerves when I see so many ads and articles and jokes which propagate that the girls' only ambition in life is to be beautiful so that she is marriageable and is a "good catch" and what that good catch means is left to anyone's interpretation.